Auto Services
AAA is a great resource to turn to for tips on good driving, like how to drive in the rough winter weath Read more
Even the most experienced drivers can get themselves stuck in the snow. Nobody wants to rough it in the snow to free a car, but you can minimize your efforts and save your energy by taking these smart steps. Read more
Freezing temperatures are a frequent killer of car batteries, leaving you shivering in the driver’s seat. But is winter weather the catalyst for a dead battery? Read more
AAA research shows that when the temperature drops to 20°F and the HVAC system is used to heat the inside of the vehicle, the average driving range in electric vehicles (EV) is decreased by 41 percent. Read more
Like it or not, harsh winter weather is here for the next few months. Is your vehicle ready for snowy, slushy roads and bitter cold? Now is the time to prepare your car for the rough winter weather this area is known for. Read more
AAA is proud to offer the highest-quality lead acid car batteries for our Members’ vehicles. We recycle every battery we replace using an EPA-approved recycling center. Read more
Thanksgiving is one of the most beloved holidays we celebrate. To be certain you arrive before your cousin eats all the pumpkin pie, make sure your car is ready for Thanksgiving, too! Read more
Vehicle safety systems can assist drivers, but they are no substitute for attentive driving. That's especially true when driving conditions deteriorate. Read more
AAA Members enjoy a variety of benefits, from fantastic discounts to travel services and insurance discounts. But the foundation of AAA membership is world class roadside assistance in any car you travel in in the United States and Canada. Read more
AAA Members understand the importance of being prepared for the unanticipated, and so do AAA emergency roadside technicians. Check out AAA’s variety of emergency response vehicles and the services we provide to AAA Members 24/7/365. Read more
We know there is a plug and we know there needs to be a source of electricity but so many other questions remain. Charging an electric vehicle is not as complicated as you may think. Ask an electric vehicle owner who does 75% of their charging at home and has almost never run out of a charge. Read more
October is Car Care Month at AAA, which serves as a great reminder to address your vehicle's maintenance before the winter weather hits. Performing regular automotive maintenance can ensure more efficient operation and help prevent costly repairs down the road. Read more
Have a teen learning to drive? Parents can ease their anxiety and protect their kids by getting actively involved in the learning process. Read more
Electric vehicle owners love their cars, but there’s no shaking the dread of running out of power on the road without the hope of recharging. That’s why AAA Western and Central New York (WCNY) is adding the SparkCharge Roadie to its fleet. Read more
Regular vehicle maintenance: There’s nothing exciting about it, but it could help save you plenty of pain and expense down the road. Just make sure you’re maintaining your car correctly. Read more
With the arrival of spring and the prospect of fewer restrictions due to coronavirus vaccinations, many teens are looking to start the process of getting their driver’s license. Read more
Have you received automated phone calls advertising extended warranties for your vehicle recently?
New Federal Communication Commission regulations should help put an end to the persistent calls, but if you're curious about what extended auto warranties are and how they work, AAA is here for you. Read more
Is your teen ready to learn how to drive? When it comes to training a young driver on the rules of the road, AAA has you and your family covered. Read more
Is your car due for battery trouble this summer?
Several factors come together during the summer months that put your battery through stresses that could lead to failure. Read more
Potholes are just part of life for many New York motorists, especially after another cold, wet winter. Moisture and traffic take their toll on the road surface, often leading to potholes in the springtime. Read more
Your car’s body trim is not just decorative, it includes functional components such as bumpers, handles, Read more
You've made it through the fall semester, a cold winter, and spring mid-terms: now it's time to take a well-earned break. Read more
Feeding a sense of nostalgia and the itch to tinker in the garage, restoring vintage cars has become a business for some and hobby for many. Read more
With most people still staying home more through the winter weather and ongoing pandemic, your car may be sitting in the driveway or in a parking space for days on end without being driven. Read more
Americans aren’t the only ones parked at home in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19. So are their cars. Read more