How do I add additional people (Associate Members) to my AAA membership?

Add an associate to your membership online by selecting the Associate Members Information listing or by calling (800) 836-2582. Associate members must reside in the same household as the Primary member, except college students who can be Associates as long as they consider the Primary residence to be their permanent residence. Secondly, all memberships on an account must be of the same type - BASIC, PLUS, or PREMIER. Compare membership types and prices.

Add Associate Member

AAA Western and Central New York


Contact Us for Help

Complete this form and an AAA representative will reply back within 2 business days.

For time-sensitive concerns that require assistance immediately please call us 24/7 at (800) 836-2582.

Include email if you are seeking My Account login help
Input number in ###-###-#### format.
If your membership number does not start with 620084, your membership is administered by a different AAA Club. Instead of this form please visit to re-route to your local club site.
Retrieve this through your T-Mobile account. Required to apply to your AAA membership. AAA does not have access to T-Mobile account information.